Friday, April 23, 2010

reporting links

If there are any troubles with the links on the site, this is the place to leave a comment.

Monday, April 12, 2010

create your own flashcards

Some time ago I found this site where you can create your own flashcards. It's great!
I told myself that my kids wouldn't find it difficult anymore to learn the irregular verbs. I spent some time creating the flashcards and I could hardly wait to get some results.
It was very disappointing... Everybody found the method great but nobody really used it :(
But I still haven't lost all hope.
Maybe someone out there will find them as useful as I did. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

to be continued

I linked some online "libraries" to my web page today. I hope they will be useful to someone out there!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

to be continued or not to be continued

I gave up writing this blog. I want to start a new one on a completely different topic. While attempting to do so I signed in and got the urge to continue my long forgotten project.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Having Fun with Words

I have found a really great site this week that I have linked to my site. If you check it out you'll see why I found it great.
First, I thought of my younger learners of the English language, and then I realized that learners of all ages might be happy to try this way of learning sometimes. It's more like a game. Enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I have been working on the site I was telling you about and I can tell you that it's not easy! I knew it wouldn't be easy but I'm slower than I thought. However, there are a few exercises there for who wants to get started, but it's going to be a long way to what I would expect from a site.
Warm wishes to all of you out there who love the English language and stay close!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

It's been a very long day...

After a lot of planning I finnally decided to create this blog. The reason? I tutor pupils of all ages and levels and I am forever searching the web for suitable exercises to print out. I've tried to organize the exercises I have found in my "Favorites" list, but now that it is getting tooooooooooooooo long, I can't find anything anymore. So, I decided to do something about it. At first I thought of creating files on my PC, but then I thought about other teachers that must be in my situation. Since I'm doing all that work I it would be a pity not to share it and be of help to others, too. This is how it all started.
I have a friend who has a blog, so I was somehow acquainted with the phenomenon. (I am far from being an expert, I've had my Internet connection for about one year, so...) After creating the blog I realised that I cannot do everything I have been planning on a blog (maybe it is possible but I don't know how...). I needed something more like a web site and luckily I found the "Google Page Creator" and I signed up. It's more than I have expected, I can use the site for the exercises and the blog for sharing thoughts, teaching experiences, funny stories, everything that fills the life of a tutor.

Wish me well!!!